May Bravo, September 25, 2023

How to create AI lesson plans for any class using the (Predict, Prepare, Present) method

How to create AI lesson plans for any class using the (Predict, Prepare, Present) method

Before the age of digital transformation, educators spent countless hours poring over textbooks, curating resources, and manually creating lesson templates. Now, with the integration of AI in education, teachers have a powerful tool at their fingertips. Lesson preparation and presentation have become both an art and a science. This article will explore how educators can transform traditional lesson plans into dynamic, AI-driven experiences using the three P's: Predict, Prepare, and Present.

Using The 3P’s methodology: Predict, Prepare, and Present on AI

The prompts "Predict, Prepare, Present" in conjunction with an AI lesson plan generator can help you craft a comprehensive lesson plan. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to collaborate with AI to leverage these prompts:

Predict: Pinpoint learning challenges with AI

This is where AI shines brightest. By analyzing data, AI can predict areas students might struggle with, allowing educators to focus on these areas during lesson preparation.

  • Define Learning Objectives: Start by asking AI for a breakdown or outline of the topic you're teaching. From there, determine and list what you want your students to learn by the end of the lesson.
  • Anticipate Challenges: Ask AI about common misconceptions or difficulties associated with your topic. AI can provide insights into areas where students typically struggle, helping you plan accordingly.
  • Determine Prior Knowledge: Use AI to research or refresh your understanding of foundational concepts related to your topic. This ensures you're well-equipped to build on existing knowledge when teaching new material.

Prepare: Gather materials and structure the lesson with AI

Using AI tools for lesson preparation means crafting lessons that cater to each student's unique learning style and pace. This ensures that the material is neither too challenging nor too easy.

  • Gather Materials: Request AI to suggest resources, such as videos, articles, or interactive tools related to your topic. You can then curate and integrate the best ones into your lesson.
  • Structure the Lesson: Draft an outline of your lesson's flow. You can share it with AI to get suggestions for improvement, ensuring a balanced lesson structure.
  • Differentiated Instruction: Chat with AI about teaching strategies catering to different learning styles. This helps ensure you have a mix of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic elements in your lesson.
  • Interactive Elements: Ask AI for ideas on quizzes, games, or discussions that you can incorporate into your lesson to increase student engagement.

Present: Let AI deliver a lesson that engages students

AI can provide educators with tools to make the content interactive and engaging, ensuring student participation and comprehension.

  • Engage from the Start: Seek suggestions from AI for captivating ways to introduce your topic. This can be a relevant anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a fun fact.
  • Interactive Delivery: Engage in a mock Q&A with AI on your topic. This helps you anticipate possible student questions and prepare your responses.
  • Check for Understanding: Use AI to devise quick check-in questions or prompts that you can use during your lesson to gauge understanding.
  • Feedback Loop: After presenting your lesson, you can discuss with AI any student feedback you received. This can provide insights into areas for refinement in future lessons.
  • Conclude: Ask AI for a concise summary or recap of your topic, ensuring you drive home key points at the end of your lesson.

Utilizing AI in this way, the "Predict, Prepare, Present" model becomes a dynamic tool, enabling educators to anticipate challenges, prepare robust materials, and deliver effective, engaging lessons. With AI as an ally, the lesson planning process is enhanced, ensuring optimal outcomes for educators and students.

Using the Predict, Prepare, Present approach in lesson planning

Incorporating the Predict, Prepare, Present method into your lesson planning ensures a well-rounded and proactive approach to teaching. It allows educators to enhance the learning experience and ensure that their students understand, enjoy, and engage with the content being taught.
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use the approach to craft an impactful lesson plan:


To ensure a successful lesson, it is important to anticipate any potential obstacles and define the primary goals. Begin by identifying the key takeaways you want your students to gain from the lesson. What specific skills or knowledge should they acquire? Additionally, consider areas where students may struggle. Are there any topics or concepts that are frequently misunderstood? By predicting these challenges, you can take a proactive approach and effectively address any issues that may arise. Finally, consider what students already know. Understanding their existing knowledge can help you build upon it and introduce new concepts in a relatable manner.


Once you have completed your predictions, it is essential to start preparing your lesson to ensure that all the necessary materials and resources are available. Start by gathering all the materials and resources required for the lesson based on your lesson objectives: textbooks, multimedia resources, or hands-on activity supplies. Gather them all in one place to avoid last-minute hiccups.

After gathering the materials, structure your lessons by outlining the flow. Your lesson should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Start with an introduction to the topic, which should capture the student's attention and interest them in the lesson. The main content should have a logical progression and should be presented in a way that is easy to understand. Finally, conclude the lesson by summarizing the key points and assessing the student's understanding.

Another essential aspect of lesson preparation is to incorporate various teaching strategies. As we know, students learn differently, and catering to their learning needs is crucial. You can use diagrams, charts, or other visual aids for visual learners. Auditory learners, on the other hand, might benefit from discussions or lectures. Incorporate interactive elements to make the lesson more engaging, such as quizzes, group discussions, or interactive games related to the lesson topic.


The final step is the presentation, where you bring your lesson to life in the classroom.
You need to ensure that your students are engaged throughout the lesson and fully understand the key concepts before you close it off. You must start with a hook that captures their attention to achieve this. This could be an interesting fact, a short story, or a relevant question that gets them thinking. 

Once you have their attention, you need to keep them engaged throughout the lesson. This can be done using various teaching methods such as discussions, demonstrations, or multimedia presentations. 

However, it's important to periodically pause and ask questions to ensure that students follow along and check for understanding. This also allows them to ask their questions, which can help them to clarify any confusion they may have. Another effective way to keep students engaged is to encourage them to give feedback during the lesson. This can be done through hand-raising, thumbs-up/thumbs-down gestures, or quick polls. Doing this lets you gauge their understanding and adjust the lesson accordingly. 

Once you have covered all of the key concepts, it's important to recap the lesson's main points. This reinforces the objectives and ensures that students clearly understand what they have learned. Finally, to bring the lesson full circle, it's important to end with an assessment. This could be a short quiz, a discussion, or an activity that allows you to gauge students' understanding. By doing this, you are able to predict and prepare for future lessons.


In conclusion, the fusion of AI with education is a game-changer. As educators, harnessing the power of AI not only streamlines lesson creation but also enhances the learning experience for students. By using the Predict, Prepare, Present methodology and integrating AI tools. Educators can ensure their lessons are both comprehensive and engaging. As the adage goes, "The best way to predict the future is to create it." And with AI by their side, educators are doing just that, crafting the future of education one lesson at a time.